The mountain people in Lessinia lived in small towns, gathered around the bell tower and the square with a few shops; but many families also used to form a nuclei of more detached rural buildings. This typical settlement, made up of groups of houses, stables with barns, chicken coops, cisterns and drinking troughs constitutes, the Contrà (the District); each area also has its own dialect name: the arbio is the wash house and drinking trough, the teda is the place where the hay was stored, the pòrtego and the barco are the canopies, to name a few.
Contrada Gaspari - San Francesco di Roverè Veronese.
Pic. by Ivo Marchesini.
Contrada Carbonari - Tregnago.
Pic. by Cristian Colognato.
Contrada Beccherli - Bosco Chiesanuova.
Pic. by Ivo Marchesini.
Contrada Pagani - Campofontana di Selva di Progno
Pic. by Ivo Marchesini